Operngasse 7, 1010 Wien
Mon - Sun 8 a.m. - 9 p.m.

World Coffee Day

Am 1. Oktober

On October 1st is world day of coffee. Good reason to celebrate! In cooperation with the Jane Goodall Institute and our premium coffee supplier Julius Meinl, we set an example for sustainable coffee enjoyment and the preservation of our nature. 

Together with Julius Meinl, we support sustainable reforestation in the countries of origin. As a guest, you win twice: If you stop by on the first of October and indulge in our certified sustainable coffee, we will give you a "1 + 1" voucher for your next visit in October as part of the campaign! Growing forests and free coffee. What more could you ask for?


Here's how it works:

October 1st, 2022:
1. you visit us as a guest in our café and enjoy a sustainable "Julius Meinl" coffee. 
2. you scan the QR code that will be visibly placed at your seat during the campaign and download the "1 + 1" voucher. 

October 2nd - 31st:
You visit us, during the validity period of the voucher with a companion and enjoy two sustainable coffees for the price of one.


Book your table