Operngasse 7, 1010 Wien
Mon - Sun 8 a.m. - 9 p.m.
17. April 2024  |   18:00:00

Leopold Federmaier


Leopold Federmaier
was born in Upper Austria in 1957, attended grammar school in Kremsmünster and Wels and then studied German language and literature, journalism and history in Salzburg. He works as a writer, essayist, critic and translator. In 2012, he received the Austrian State Prize for Literary Translation. Leopold Federmair lives in Hiroshima, where he teaches German at the university.

Hiroshima Capriccios
Leopold Federmair embarks on "regional journeys" as the autobiographical narrator of his "Capriccios". The mostly undefined destination is his city with its districts, outskirts, its outside. As an "explorer of the unremarkable", he is interested in the normal and curious in everyday life. He does without cars and shinkansen, his world is slow. He lets himself drift, lets chance decide, takes detours and unknown paths.

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+43 1 24 100-620  or simply by email  museum@cafe-wien.at